Las 7 Mentiras del ELA: Mentira #1

Las 7 Mentiras del ELA es una nueva campaña de PRSSA para desmentir los mitos que promueve el Partido Popular Democrático.

Como parte de la campaña Las 7 Mentiras del ELA, comenzamos desmintiendo el siguiento “principio” esbozado por Alejandro García Padilla:

El Estado Libre Asociado fue creado mediante un pacto entre el Pueblo de Puerto Rico y el Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Esta mentira, implica que los puertorriqueños entraron en el status del ELA como un país que consintió a una nueva Constitutición. La realidad del asunto  es que como lee el Título 48, Capítulo 4, Subcapítulo I, § 731b. Organización de un gobierno de acuerdo a una constitución: Read the rest of this entry »

Las 7 Mentiras de Alejandro García Padilla

Martes, 29 de julio de 2011

Contacto: Eduardo J. Soto (787) 536-3014

SAN JUAN, PR: La Asociación de Estudiantes Estadistas de Puerto Rico (PRSSA por sus siglas en Inglés) anunció una nueva campaña de educación llamada “Las 7 Mentiras del Estado Libre Asociado” en respuesta a los alegados principios mencionados por el candidato del Partido Popular Democrático a la gobernación Alejandro García Padilla sobre el Estado Libre Asociado.

En la convención del PPD, García expuso 7 mentiras disfrazadas como principios. “Es un insulto a la inteligencia del pueblo, que entiende en su mayoría la situación territorial y la importancia de atenderla,” expresó Eduardo Soto, Presidente de PRSSA. “Cada principio es un intento más del PPD por engañar al pueblo de Puerto Rico en el asunto del status.” Read the rest of this entry »

Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association launches social network

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Contact: Eduardo J. Soto

SAN JUAN, PR: The Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association announced the launch of its social network MyStatehoodPR under the theme of: Connect with the cause. The network represents an unprecedented effort to connect the members of the oganization, as well as pro statehood citizens in Puerto Rico and the states.
“MyStatehoodPR joins our presence in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; this presence has been essential to our efforts since the reactivation of the organization in 2007” stated William-Jose Velez, Executive Vice President of the PRSSA. “With this unprecedented portal, we translate the passion of the youth to cyber activism” added Eduardo Soto, President of the association. Read the rest of this entry »

Asociación de Estudiantes Estadistas lanza red social

Miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Contacto: Eduardo J. Soto

SAN JUAN, PR: La Asociación de Estudiantes Estadistas de Puerto Rico (PRSSA por sus siglas en Inglés) anunció el lanzamiento de su red social llamada MyStatehoodPR bajo el lema de: Conecta con la causa. La misma representa un esfuerzo sin precedentes para conectar a la membresía de la organización, así como a estadistas en Puerto Rico y los estados.

“MyStatehoodPR se une a nuestra presencia en diversas redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y YouTube; presencia que ha sido esencial para nuestros esfuerzos desde la reactivación de la organización en el 2007” indico William-José Vélez, Vicepresidente Ejectivo de PRSSA. “Con este portal sin precedente, traducimos la pasión de la juventud estadista a activismo cibernético” añadió Eduardo Soto, Presidente de la Asociación. Read the rest of this entry »

Insular Consumers Update: The Netflix Case

The Netflix Case is the second installment in the Insular Consumers series. Let us know your thoughts below.

A couple of hours ago, we received an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Netflix, perhaps taking note of our earlier post, has decided to offer its full service in Puerto Rico (and presumably all US territories).

In a rather vague email, the company announced that its Watch Instantly feature could now be used on PCs and other platforms. Read the rest of this entry »

RIP Pedro Vázquez

Pedro Vázquez, the former Secretary of State under Gov. Carlos Romero Barceló, passed away on June 23, 2011. In 1979 and 1980, he was one of the most supportive public officials when fellow college student Luis Fortuño and Kenneth McClintock co-founded PRSSA, and was, along with Congressman Paul Simon, Don Luis A. Ferré and Governor Romero, a featured speaker at the first PRSSA Annual Convention at the Cerromar Hotel in the summer of 1980. Read the rest of this entry »

Remarks by the President at a Welcome Event in San Juan, Puerto Rico

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President at a Welcome Event in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport
San Juan, Puerto Rico

For Immediate Release
June 14, 2011

11:43 A.M. AST

THE PRESIDENT:  Buenas tardes!  (Applause.)  It is good to be back in Puerto Rico.  (Applause.)  It is great to see so many familiar faces, so many advocates for the island.  First of all, I want to acknowledge Congressman Pierluisi is here.  Where is he?  Right over there.  (Applause.)  My great friend, Andres Lopez.  (Applause.)  Franciso Pavia.  (Applause.)  Senator Bhatia.  (Applause.)  Governor Fortuno.  (Applause.)  And I know that we’ve got some former governors here today, along with leaders of local parties, and of the House and the Senate.

I am so grateful for the unbelievable reception.  As you know, the last President to come to San Juan and address the people of Puerto Rico was John F. Kennedy, nearly 50 years ago.  (Applause.)  Now, at the time, I was about four months old — (laughter) — so my memory of this visit is a little hazy.  What I do remember is that when I came here to campaign, I promised that I would return as President of the United States.  (Applause.)  And although my hair is a little grayer — (applause) — than during my first visit, I am glad to be able to keep that promise to the people of Puerto Rico.  (Applause.) Read the rest of this entry »

Department of Veteran Affairs, Summer 2011 Hispanic Career Program, The Washington Center

The Internship Center is now available at

We have partnered with The Washington Center in our launch of the Internship Center, with this initial featured opportunity available to all of our members. For those opportunities of added value we will be making cross posts between our main website and the Internship Center.

Summer 2011 Hispanic Career Program


  • Program: Hispanic Career Program – Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Deadline: June 15, 2011
  • Application: Online

Read the rest of this entry »

New PRSSA Internship Center

The Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association is proud to unveil its new Intership Center, a new database of internship opportunities for the members of the organization.

We will be compiling opportunities from different entities and posting for our members to apply, along with resources to help our members get selected into these. Read the rest of this entry »

Insular Consumers: The Netflix Case

The Netflix Case is the second installment in the Insular Consumers series. Let us know your thoughts below.

Since we published our first post of the Insular Consumers series, several of you suggested companies and topics. Based on your feedback we continue today with another issue in the series: The Netflix Case.

For those of you who don’t know, Netlifx is an online based DVD rental and video streaming service. The company was established in 1997 and has experienced great success. With a relatively inexpensive fee, users have access to a huge library of movies and shows available to rent or watch online. Read the rest of this entry »